31 Days of Hope

Hope {Day 12} – Hope and Contentment… the Best of Friends

Tonight at the wonderful Philippians Short Course Bible Study at First Trinity we were studying chapter 4.  It’s a wonderful chapter which I strongly suggest everyone read.  (You could even do so right now by clicking here.)  Anyway, in summary here are a few things covered in that chapter: vs 4 – Finding JOY in… Continue reading Hope {Day 12} – Hope and Contentment… the Best of Friends

31 Days of Hope

Hope {Day 7} – Giving Hope from Afar

In a way, this post is kind of “Part 2” of yesterday’s post.  I mentioned yesterday that often in the times where hope needs to be offered, there aren’t really words or actions that can give that hope… rather, being present is simply enough.    While I believe that is often completely true, I can’t… Continue reading Hope {Day 7} – Giving Hope from Afar

Bekah's Heart, Devotional, First Trinity

Joyfullyblessed…It’s kinda weird…

It’s kind of a weird thing to attend a funeral for someone you’ve never met, but definitely a unique opportunity that I’ve had a few times since being on internship, including once this week. Normally, funeral are associated emotions of grief and pain and confusion.  Of course there is hope and glimmers of joy in… Continue reading Joyfullyblessed…It’s kinda weird…

Bekah's Heart, Devotional, Uncategorized

Joyfullyblessed … And rejoicing today!

Have you ever found yourself staring at a situation in life wondering how you’d ever get through it?  The mountain is just too big to climb.  The burden is too much to bear.  The weight is just too heavy.  It is just IMPOSSIBLE to overcome. Now, have you ever gotten through one of those situations… Continue reading Joyfullyblessed … And rejoicing today!

Bekah's Heart, Devotional, Music

Joyfullyblessed… To Let Go!

For those of you who are still getting to know me out here in NY, you will soon learn that I love music (and writing really long blogs).  I love playing my guitar. I love attempting to play piano. I love writing songs. I love listening to music (of many kinds).  I simply enjoy music. … Continue reading Joyfullyblessed… To Let Go!